Wednesday, June 27, 2007

My messy little corner

asked us to show where we scrap.I had my doubts if I should show my messy little corner to the world.Well, here it is... I guess it's better than nothing.
My DH has promised to make me a decent one when he retires from the army at the end of this year.We'll see .I'm waiting...


Laura said...

Hihii!! Se tosiaan näyttää yhtä vaikealta askartelualueelta kuin minunkin! No, sinulla on ehkä hieman enemmän tyhjää tilaa :). En ole tänään ehtinyt muuttamaan tavaroita ollenkaan, mutta eilen sain jo paljon aikaiseksi.. haluaa askartelemaan!!

Cora said...

Your space looks fine to me. I guess we should feel blessed that we have a space at all or even money or the time to indulge in our hobbie. I am sure when my children were young there was no way I could have afforded the money even though I had the space. If you have the basic supplies & a little corner that is all good!

Alhambra Club said...

Well how about saying it is a cozy little spot. I have a folding table that I use to work at.

Kirsi said...

Kyllähän tuossa kelpaa askarrella. Saat pitää tavarat omilla paikoillaan, vaikka vähän ahdasta olisikin. Mä ihastelin tässä samalla kaikkia kivoja tarvikkeita mitä sulla on...